Basics :
This guide will show you how to change the strings on the ukulele.
Why should you change the strings ?
You only get a good sound from your ukulele with proper strings. Unsuitable stringing will lead to inferior intonation.When should you change the strings ?
- If you just bought a new ukulele with inferior strings. Esp. the cheap instruments are often stringed with fishing lines or something like that.
- If a string is broken. If the other strings are ok you might only change the broken one. If the strings are old you should buy a new set of strings.
- If the strings are widely used. After some time the tone looses it's brightness. Just slide with your fingertip over the string. If you feel any irregularities on the surface it's time to change. You see it best over the metal strips along the fretboard. Synthetic strings show rough spots, winded strings will unwind and might harm your frets. The time of change depends on your playing style and how often you play.
- If you want to try other strings. Even if you like the strings on your ukulele, you might try other brands or materials.
I play Suprano Ukulele, but I like Baritone Sound, but it has different tuning.
can I used Suprano String installed in Baritone, so I will play bariitone with the same chord as Suprano.
thank you
no, this won’t work ( different size ).
cheers FriendlyFred